Weekend 1
Course Syllabus
PowerPoint 2
Text Chapter 1
Iowa Code
Chapter 59
Chapter 98
NAGC PK-12 Gifted Education Programming Standards
NAGC P-12 Programming Standards .pdf
Managing Complex Change
Survey Results - .xls
Victory Circle
Developing Mission/Philosophy
Traits of a Mission Statement
Evaluating Your Mission/Philosophy
Mindset diagram
Perils and Promises of Praise - Dweck article
Even Geniuses Work Hard - Dweck article
The Essential Cognitive Backpack - Levine article
Assessing Higher-Order Thinking in the Classroom - Susan Brookhart (ASCD book)
Thinking Skills - AEA 267
Resource Wikis
Gifted Readers
IDM for Gifted
Monticello IDM
Dare to Differentiate
Program Goals
District 196 - Minnesota
Calcasieu Parish School System - Louisiana
Urbandale Program Documents
Idaho HS Programming Manual
"As we approach the process of choosing identification procedures, it would be well to keep in mind that the further we are removed from the person, the greater the danger that what we identify may bear a closer resemblance to the mounted insect than to the living butterfly." -Clark Moustakes
Presidential Advisory Board Activity
Presidential Advisory Board Answer Key
Five Areas of Giftedness - Characteristics
Identification Gap Analysis
Matching Criteria (Instruments) to Area(s) of Giftedness
Profiles of Gifted PowerPoint - George Betts
Animal School
Watch the video and reflect on connections to student identification.
Fliqz has shut down their service. To access this video,
email support with this video id: f8df118880af48bbb682d87a4fc87cb0
Identification Tools
Young Gifted Children
"Small Poppies: Highly Gifted Children in the Early Years" - article by Miraca Gross
Characteristics of Young Gifted Children - Website
Things This Child Has Done - Checklist for Teachers
Things My Young Child Has Done - Checklist for Parents
Gifted and Talented Primary-age Students: Recommendations for Identification and Service - Idaho Department of Education
Deborah Ruf's Blog
Weekend 2
Program Planning Flowchart
Assessing Program Design
Terms used in Special/Gifted Education
Student Needs
Programming Options
Karen Rogers Research Synthesis
Instructional Management Options - pink
Instructional Delivery Options - blue
Curriculum Differentiation - yellow
Continuum of Services template
Continuum of Services sample
Essentials for a Positive School Experience
Priorities for In-School Provisions
PEP Samples
Characteristics of High-Quality Gifted Programs - a checklist
The Kind of Schools We Need - Elliot Eisner
High Achiever, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker - Bertie Kingore
Matching Needs - Bertie Kingore
Inservice Design
learning designs - from Learning Forward (see paragraph 2)
Web sites
Short Stories
Live Science
Ology American Museum of Natural History
Cool Tools for Schools (Web 2.0 Wiki)
NewzBrain - Current events quiz bowl
Lesson from Another Field - article Read this article and complete the 5 A's Text Protocol organizer
Lessons Learned - article by Karen Rogers As you read this article make note of connections to your learning in the endorsement coursework you have completed.
NAGC Advocacy Toolkit
Hoagies Gifted advocacy resources
Final Project:
Given what you have learned in this class, update your district’s written gifted and talented plan. Submit the original and revised versions. Prepare a written explanation of the ways in which your revised comprehensive plan better aligns with best practices in gifted education or the ways programming, answers one or more of the four questions (found in the course description at the top of this document), and incorporates one or more of the principles of advocacy, collaboration, leadership and systemic change. Consider also the bridges and barriers in your district to adoption and implementation of this plan. Use APA format to cite sources.
Additional Resources
A Program Coordinator's 10 Commandments
National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented
GT Bookmarks
Interface Between Gifted Education and General Education - article
Building Bridges - article
Integrating Gifted Education into the Total School Curriculum - Carolyn Cooper
Alignment Self-assessment - Purcell & Eckert p. 228-9
Ames Action Plan Sample
What is a Grade?
Levels of Differentiation
Colorado RtI Triangle
Programming Gap Analysis
Pennsylvania PEP sample
Ten Things All Administrators Should Know about Gifted - Joyce VanTassel-Baska
Administrators Making a Difference - checklists for superintendents and principals
Sample ASCA documents - These sample documents, developed by the American School Counselor Association, are not directly transferable to gifted; however, they provide some examples of things to think about in ensuring your gifted and talented programming is consistent with your district written comprehensive program plan.
Management Agreements
Counselor-Administrator Agreement
MS-HS Sample Agreement
Counselor Responsibilities
Job Description - example
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