Contact Information
Rosanne Malek, Gifted Education Consultant
Iowa Department of Education
Mary Schmidt, Gifted Education Consultant
Heartland AEA
515.270.0405 ext. 14375
800.255.0405 ext. 14375
General Information
Site Visit Tips
Ten Things All Administrators Should Know About Gifted Children - Joyce VanTassel-Baska
Iowa Code and Funding
Document Review Checklist
Chapter 12 Matrix for Gifted
Site Visit Documents
Chapter 59
Chapter 98
Perry GT Plan
Designing Services and Programs for High-ability Students is one of the best sources for guidance in the development of high quality comprehensive gifted and talented programming.
Vision: What we aspire to
Mission: Why we exist; our purpose
Beliefs: Those statements that identify the core principles to which we adhere
Commitments to Action: What we will do because of our beliefs
The purpose of identification for gifted and talented services is to find students with unmet educational needs in order to provide programming that fills that gap. Identification procedures must be in place K-12 but will not necessarily look the same at all grade spans. Ask "Which children are significantly discrepant from age peers (above the norm) in a given area?"
"If We Identify Gifted, We Must Support Them" - Teach a Gifted Kid blog post
"A Practical System for Identifying Gifted and Talented Students" Joseph S. Renzulli
A simple procedure for combining ability test scores, achievement test scores, and teacher ratings to identify academically talented children. - David Lohman and Joseph Renzulli
Identification Checklist
Purdue Academic Rating Scales (secondary)
Identifying Gifted and Talented English Language Learners - Iowa Department of Education and Belin-Blank Center
Gifted and Talented Identification Packet - a publication of the New South Wales Department of Education and Training
Identifying Gifted Preschoolers
Characteristics of a Gifted Preschooler
Iowa Early Learning Standards
Identification in Primary Grades - from Idaho Dept. of Education
Differentiated Program
A differentiated program is designed to meet student needs "beyond the regular school program." This means that when the regular curriculum and instruction provided for the majority of students is insufficient to meet the needs of gifted students, programming (curriculum and instruction) is provided that meets their needs.
"Differentiating for Gifted Children: It's All About Trust" Dorothy Knopper and Carol Fertig
"Differentiation for Gifted and Talented Students: Principles and Practices" Dr. Tracy Riley
Documenting Programming
Colfax-Mingo example
Continuum of Services Plan Sample
Program Goals
Program goals
- are written at the program level and are different from student goals/outcomes
- ensure the district is providing quality programming and services consistent with best practices across all grade spans
- are specific, measurable, and attainable
- may be both long-term (written more like a standard - "CSIP-ish") and short-term (think annual improvement goal)
Performance Measures determine
- what success looks like
- how we know when we get there
- how good is "good enough"
NAGC Standards
Sample Program Goals
District 196
Sample Student Goals
Sample 1
Sample 2
Inservice Design
The word "design" implies a carefully developed plan for meeting the professional learning needs of teachers of gifted, classroom teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents and community regarding gifted and talented. That plan should address the nature and needs of gifted children, specifics of the district's programming and services (including strategies for meeting the learning needs of gifted children), and ways gifted "fits" in the bigger scope of building/district professional development.
Chapter 98 of Iowa Code (categorical funding rules) says that the gifted and talented funds may be used for professional development for teacher(s) of gifted.
Inservice Design template
Staff Qualifications
All teachers and/or coordinators of gifted are required to hold the State of Iowa Talented and Gifted Endorsement. This 12 credit hour program is offered through five institutions of higher learning in the state: Drake, University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, Viterbo, Buena Vista, and Morningside.
Program Evaluation
Program evaluation is undertaken to improve programming and ascertain its effectiveness for the students served.
Self-Audit/Reflection Tool
Arkansas Evaluation Initiative
large district
mid-sized district
small district
Borland Evaluation Table - This is a way to evaluate attainment of program goals.
The focus of Gifted Academy III is program evaluation.
Funding for gifted and talented programming and services is categorical funding. Each year on July 1, the funds for the current fiscal year are placed in the gifted and talented budget along with any carry over from previous years. These funds are used to meet the needs of identified gifted and talented students "beyond the regular school program." The district's gifted and talented budget amount is public record and may be accessed on the Iowa Department of Education Website. Click here for the FY15 budget by district in Iowa. According to Su McCurdy, Iowa Department of Education, because these funds are categorical, they are not affected by any across-the-board budget cuts the state may experience. Chapter 98 addresses rule for allowable expenditures of categorical funding. See page 6 of the document (link above) for specifics regarding g/t funds. Any gifted and talented funds remaining in this budget line at the end of the fiscal year are carried over and must remain in that budget line. These monies may only be expended under the same Chapter 98 guidelines referenced above..
Any gifted and talented budget questions not answered in Chapter 98 should be directed to
Su McCurdy, Administrative Consultant
Iowa Department of Education
Division of School Support and Information
Finance, Facilities, and Operation Services
Ph: 515.281.4738
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